Photo © Bas de Meijer 2016 We are proud to support AeroVelo with wax and chain prep in their pursuit for yet another Human Powered World Land Speed Record."On September 14th, 2016, Aerovelo's speedbike Eta, piloted by Todd Reichert, hit 88.26 mph, creating a temporal displacement in the space-time continuum. By the end of the week, Aerovelo had incremented the record to an astounding 89.59 mph! Visit for more...
Ready to have your mind blown? Check out this outstanding video showcasing the team of Aerovelo breaking the record for the World Human Powered Speed Championships: "Aerovelo's Eta broke the Human Powered Speed Record on September 17th 2015 by going a speed of 85.71mph/137.93kph. Eta then broke that record on September 18th 2015 by going 86.50mph/139.21kph. And then Eta broke that new record the following day, September 19th 2015, by going a...
Article originally printed in VeloNews February 2014 issue.
Ready to learn more? Contact us: Molten Speed Wax, LLC 4730 Lorinda Drive Shoreview, MN 55126 (651) 447-9719
1. Wax is the fastest lube for your chain, period. Check out the Velo magazine test where simple paraffin beat 29 other industry lubes hands down: Velo Lube Test #1 Still not convinced? Take a look at Velo’s second test where Molten Speed Wax knocked off every competitor in the bunch (and that’s without our Race Powder that reduces friction another 6%!). Velo Lube Test #2 2. Wax is the...